Get to know the photo book "The Most Beautiful Trails of Patagonia"
Torres del Paine, El Chaltén, Bariloche, Ushuaia, Villarrica, Cerro Castillo, Dientes de Navarino and Parque Patagonia
Paddling with whales and dolphins in Brazil
UPDATE: The first parto of this article reports on the encounter with whales and dolphins that I had on 05/23/2021. A week later I encountered a whale again and it was even more exciting because it jumped right next to my kayak, as you can see in the second part of the article. The third part is about an encounter with two whales that happened in the winter of 2024. I encountered whales during two other paddles in the winter of 2023, but as I couldn’t do any images, I won’t describe the sightings in the article.
Report 1
From 2016 onwards, sightings of humpback whales have been increasingly frequent in São Sebastião and Ilhabela during autumn and winter, when they flee from the polar waters to the Brazilian coast in search of warm waters to breed and give birth.
In the winters of 2018, 2019 and 2020 I paddled several times in search of them but I was never lucky to find them, even though, sometimes, when I came back to my place I found out that they were spotted in the place where I was, a short time before or after me. I don’t deny that it made me angry that I was in the right place at the wrong time, but what could I do but swallow my frustration and go back to the water again? That’s what I did in the fall of 2021, but this time the result was different, thanks to a mix of luck, persistence and the invaluable help of a friend who lives in Ilhabela and has an incredible view to São Sebastião Channel.
After a frustrated attempt and another one in which I quickly saw two whales (or the same two times), on the 05/23/2021, a Sunday, I left Praia Preta do Centro (São Sebastião) towards Ponta da Sela (Ilhabela) , which marks the limit of São Sebastião Channel. After paddling for 40 minutes, the cell phone rings and I already knew that this friend, Gabriella Frugis, had seen something interesting from her porch. It wasn’t actually a whale, but a group of dolphins, which made me go back for 2 km until I found them, on the path marked on the map below by the red line.
The dolphins were shy, appearing quickly on the surface to breathe, but even so, it is always very good to paddle close to them and I followed the group, which was swimming in the direction of São Sebastião, as shown by the green line. While I was paddling, I saw that there were 3 boats further south. They could be fishing or, who knows, watching whales, so I changed my route after an hour with the dolphins, to find out what was going on (brown line).
As soon as I changed my direction the boats started to move and I did the same, until just 20 minutes later a whale appeared! I drifted for a few minutes and then it appeared again, but on the other side.
I don’t know if it was the same but I changed my course once more, as you can see from the pink line and, after a few minutes, I had the most amazing view of the day, when a humpback jumped 4 times in a row! Unfortunately it wasn’t close and my lens wasn’t suitable for distant scenes, but the image I won’t forget, even without photos. I paddled toward Ilhabela, as it seemed to be the direction it took, and I stayed for two hours in the same place, with the whale appearing every 10 minutes (on average) to get air and submerge to feed again. Sometimes it appeared at 80 or 100 meters from me but, at other times, it went up very close to the kayak, as you can see in the photos below.
At the end of the day it started to swim out of the Channel and I followed it until Ponta da Sela, when I thought I should return because, from there to Praia Preta, it is a 9-km paddle (yellow path) and it would not take long to be dark. In total, I paddled 32 km and stayed in the kayak for 7 hours straight, whether paddling or watching, but the excitement was so great that I barely noticed the time spent in the water.
I had already seen whales in New Zealand, Chile, Hawaii and also in Brazil, but seeing them in my “backyard” and from a kayak is much more exciting … And of course I’m not done, the search won’t stop!
Report 2
The paragraph above was the last one regarding the sights that I had on 05/23/2021 and, as I had written, the search continued and very successfully! That’s because on Sunday, 05/30/2021, I was picking-up the bike for a mountain-bike session when I looked at the sea and saw a whale passing in front of Praia Preta do Centro. For two seconds I had doubts whether I was going to ride my bike or to paddle but soon I was getting the equipment ready to go to the water, but not without first telling the friends who paddle and live nearby to also have the chance to see it.
Fortunately it was swimming very slowly and I reached it after just 1 km. In fact, I passed it because when it emerged, it was behind me, as you can see in these photos of it passing me.
A little later, one of the most incredible encounters I ever had with a wild animal happened, rivaling with the encounter that I had with the cougar when I was making the photos for the book The Most Beautiful Trails of Patagonia (photos here). I stopped paddling and, while I waited, I took out my cell phone to update my friends with my position, when I heard a noise, I looked to the side and there was a whale jumping about 20 meters from my kayak!
A few minutes later it jumped again but it was far away and I was unable to photograph or film. It continued swimming slowly towards the south, doing a zigzag, until after almost two hours in the water, I decided to go back because I could see a cold front coming and I didn’t want to be at sea among the lightning.
Report 3
On June 19, 2024, I did a paddling with two friends and, when we were near Ponta da Sela, in the south of the São Sebastião Channel, we saw a whale close to a boat that had seen it before.
We quickly paddled to the boat and I asked to get on board because I wanted to fly with the drone, but the pilot said they would be leaving soon. So I went to a small boat that had just arrived to ask the same question, and while I was talking to the pilot, another whale came up to breathe and it was so close that, if I hadn’t paddled back, it would have hit the bow (front) of the kayak. Since I had turned on the GoPro that is attached to the kayak as soon as we saw, still from afar, the first whale, I got a great video of this exciting encounter.
As soon as it dove, I went to the pier of the Ponta da Sela condominium and asked the employee for permission to disembark to use the drone. He kindly allowed me to do so, and I took some beautiful photos of the two whales swimming together out of the channel, possibly escaping the dozens of boats and yachts that followed them for miles in the open sea, a problem that has been getting worse every year, because even though there are rules for whale watching, there are almost no people to enforce the laws.
Get to know the photo book "The Most Beautiful Trails of Patagonia"
Torres del Paine, El Chaltén, Bariloche, Ushuaia, Villarrica, Cerro Castillo, Dientes de Navarino and Parque Patagonia